The EP-CSP Promo did go away, but was replaced with the "Bridge to the Cloud" promo. The Bridge promo is set to expire at Microsoft's year-end which is June. You can only utilize this promo within 90 (I think) days of your Enhancement Plan renewal, so hopefully that is between now and June-ish. I hope they continue something similar as we have many clients opting in to this promo and expect more will do it in the future.
Same concept, you continue with your current annual amount (optionally paid monthly if your partner agrees) and you get a BC SAAS license (requires special SKU). The special pricing is locked in for up to 4 years and as long as you continue to notify Microsoft at your EP renewal date they will keep your On-Prem license available for a downgrade if it should be needed.
As a partner, this is a fantastic offer for NAV/BC on-prem clients, as you get the cloud service for no additional cost for up to four years. I can't see the future, so I don't know what happens after the 4 years, but it is still a great way to get to the cloud.