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Import bank statement from API with Power Automate

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Hi all,
Currently, we use CAMT053 format bank statements (retrieved manually from our bank) to create daily Bank/Giro journal entries. After importing the CAMT-file, reconciliation is done manually.  
Our bank recently offered us the option to retrieve transactions through an API, so we would like to automate this whole process.
The main goal is automatic reconciliation and If-Then-functions for assigning customer/vendor/GL-account and JE descriptions (for example, payments received from IBAN XXX are always assigned to GL-account YYY with description = Payment).
We will be able to fetch the transactiondata soon, but we still haven't found a way to import this data into BC365.
Is there any way to import a bank statement and configure the mentioned options through Power Automate? 

We want to use PA rather than hard-coding so we can easily edit settings when dealing with new vendors etc. without being dependent from our DEV-department and/or external partners.
Thanks in advance for any help!
  • Import bank statement from API with Power Automate
    Thanks for the info. @fnaf games
  • Robin9700 Profile Picture
    Robin9700 16 on at
    Import bank statement from API with Power Automate
    Hi all, thanks for your answers.
    They seem more focused on importing data into BC through an API, though, while that is not necessarily what we need.
    All we need is an automated process for retrieving bank transaction data and getting it into Business Central some way or another.
    Is it possible to achieve this option with different PA-streams, and some help from Excel and VBA?
    Power Automate does have the option to get data through an API. Converting the data into a .csv compatible with BC should be fairly easy with use of VBA and could maybe be automised through PA as well.
    Also, in Power Automate several 'Create record'-functions are found for Business Central.
    However I can't seem to figure out how to create a record in BC, though maybe that's just my lack of experience with PA.
    Of course, customization in the BC environment is an option, but the goal of this project is (partly) to reduce costs. If we can do this ourselves, that would be the desirable option.
    Any thoughts or additional suggestions?
  • Import bank statement from API with Power Automate
    We've developed a bank feeds product long ago to work with NetSuite and now we extend it to work with BC. also we have Automated Bank Recon which comes with bank feeds for free.
    We have it on a free trial:
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,942 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Import bank statement from API with Power Automate
    Hi, as far as I know, this needs to be customized, you need to get the data from the bank's API, and then write it into the table of BC.
    With Power Automate, as Inge mentioned, there is no standard API in BC, which also requires customization.
    And please note if you use Power Automate to read data directly, there are some limitations.
    Change modification limits for triggering flows and bulk updates
    Hope this helps as well.
  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 993 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Import bank statement from API with Power Automate
    Unfortunately there is no API in Business Central for importing Bank statements delivered out of the box.
    So I think it will be kind of a trouble some process to do this simply using Power Automate.
    I think you will get a better solution if you have some customization done to your Business Central environment. 
    Maybe there also is a finished solution that can support your bank, have you looked for that on AppSource?

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