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Powerapps portal web api issue

Posted on by 432

Hi Folks,

Recently, I started using powerapps portal web api. My requirement is to associate a custom entity lookup on create (POST) and to update statuscode using PATCH. For both operations I am getting 400-Bad Request as response. 

I created a web template 'Wrapper AJAX Template' to use in my "Payment Success" Web Template. Please see my below code. I have highlighted the code where I am making a call to the api. See if you can help me with this!!! Thank you in advance 

{% assign invoice = entities['heblegpo_invoice'][request.params.invoiceid] %}
{% include 'Wrapper AJAX Template' %}
<link href=""> rel="stylesheet">
h1 {
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font-family: "Nunito Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
font-weight: 900;
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margin: 0;
p2 {
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font-family: "Nunito Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
margin-left: 198px;
i {
color: #9ABC66;
font-size: 100px;
line-height: 200px;
.card {
background: white;
padding: 60px;
border-radius: 4px;
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display: inline-block;
margin-left: 407px;
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#spinner:not([hidden]) {
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from {
transform: rotate(0deg);
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transform: rotate(360deg);
<script type="text/javascript">
//Create a Billing record in CRM against the paid invoice
function CreateBillingRecord(){
var invoice_id = "{{invoice.heblegpo_invoiceid}}";
var invoice_status = "{{invoice.heblegpo_invoicestatus}}";
const spinner = document.getElementById("spinner");
var invoice_total_amount = "{{ invoice['heblegpo_totalamount'] }}";
invoice_total_amount = parseFloat(invoice_total_amount);
var today = new Date();
var dd = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
var mm = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); //January is 0!
var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + yyyy;
if(invoice_status != "Paid"){
type: "POST",
url: "/_api/heblegpo_billings",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({
"heblegpo_name": "Billing_" + invoice_id,
"heblegpo_billnumber": "bill_no_" + "{{invoice.heblegpo_invoice}}",
"heblegpo_totalpaidamount": invoice_total_amount,
"heblegpo_date": today,
"heblegpo_InvoiceNumber@odata.bind": "/heblegpo_invoices("+invoice_id+")"
success: function (res, status, xhr) {
spinner.setAttribute('hidden', '');
//print id of newly created entity record
var billing_id = xhr.getResponseHeader("entityid");
console.log("entityID: "+ billing_id);
//Update Invoice Status to Paid
function UpdateInvoiceStatus(spinner){
var invoice_id = "{{invoice.heblegpo_invoiceid}}";
var invoice_status = "{{invoice.heblegpo_invoicestatus}}";
if(invoice_status != "Paid"){
type: "PATCH",
url: "/_api/heblegpo_invoices("+invoice_id+")",
contentType: "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({
"statuscode": 247340001
success: function (res) {
spinner.setAttribute('hidden', '');
//print id of newly created entity record
<body onload="CreateBillingRecord();">
<div class="card">
<div hidden="" id="spinner"></div>
<div style="border-radius:200px; height:200px; width:200px; background: #F8FAF5; margin:0 auto;">
<i class="checkmark">✓</i>
<h1>Payment Success</h1>
<p>We received your purchase request for the invoice {{ invoice.heblegpo_invoice }}</p>
<p2>Thank you!</p2>

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