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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt

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Hi all, on GP 10 how can I prevent the users on the wrehouse to change the unit of measure on the receipt? can it be done that it's locked to the unit of measure the purchase order was entered?

I mean, user 1 enters a PO with a line:

Item        UofM     QTY      Price

Pencil     box10        1        10.00

I want the user thar enters the receipt to only be able to receive box10 and not use any other UofM, is this posible on GP? also so they can't receive more than the qty specified on the PO.

*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt

    Thanks our partner allready sent us the chunk.


  • Richard Whaley Profile Picture
    Richard Whaley 25,195 on at
    RE: Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt

    This is an "unfortunate feature" as in many firms the purchasing department will order in the UOM that privides the best pricing while the vendor's shipment is counted easier on receipt in another UOM.  I have had customers purchase scanning systems that can use different UOMs on receipts.

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt



    I only had the PartnerSource link. If you can't find it on CustomerSource, shoot me an e=mail to, tell me what release your running and I'll send it to you.

    Kind regards,


  • RE: Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt

    Thanks to both on your reply, I just needed a confirmation that you can't change UoM on receipt.

    L Vail, where can I get that tool? can I download it from customer source?

  • Verified answer
    L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt


    I was surprised when I read your query because I didn't think GP would let you change UOM on receipt. Mohammad cleared that up.

    There was a second part to your question. You also want to keep your warehouse personnel from receiving a higher quantity of items than were on the PO. For instance, you ordered 10 and they sent 12. The answer to that question is Yes!

    There is a free tool called POPOverReceiptTolerance, available for version 10. It allows you to set a receipt tolerance percentage for quantities.

    There's a setup window wherein you enter a tolerance percentage, that percentage is then used when a Purchase Order is received. The highest quantity that can be received is the original quantity ordered plus the percentage amount. Sounds like just what the doctor ordered!

    NOTE: This tool is included in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013.

    You can download the tool from PartnerSource here:

    It's also available on CustomerSource, I just don't have that address.

    Kind regards,


  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Prevent users from changing unit of measure on receipt

    Actually this is available by system design, the system does not allow user to change the unit of measurement for item upon receiving if the item is assigned to a purchase order, take a look into the below:

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