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Item Card - Order Multiple field logic

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I have an item with a Lot-for-Lot Reordering Policy and an Order Multiple of 25. 

I have 90 units on Component Lines and when I run MRP I am prompted to purchase 90 units. I was expecting Nav to tell me to purchase 100 units instead of 90 since 90 is not divisible by 25.

I'm trying to determine why MRP is not rounding up the qty so that it is divisible by the order multiple.

Below is a screenshot of the planning parameters on the Item Card



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Item Card - Order Multiple field logic


    A few more questions:

    On the Inventory Setup is Location Mandatory?

    Do you have Stockkeeping Units setup?

    Not sure if you are Manufacturing requires certain Locations to get inventory components from another Location. DO you have this?

    When you ran the Req. Worksheet were you planning from that day forward?

    My tests are working fine in my test database but if you can answer the questions I can help more. And yes, if I have Locations I set that to Mandatory. If I have more than 1 Location, I setup Stockkeeping Units.



  • drew777777 Profile Picture
    drew777777 140 on at
    RE: Item Card - Order Multiple field logic

    Hi Steve

    I've edited my original post to include a screenshot of the planning parameters that are set up for the SKU.

    I read what you posted but I'm still unsure why my Order Multiple value is getting ignored.

    Under what circumstances will Nav ignore the Order Modifiers that are defined on the Item Card?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Item Card - Order Multiple field logic


    Here is some information that might point you to why the 90 was used...

    Define How Much to Reorder

    If the planning system detects the need to reorder, the selected reordering policy is used to determine when and how much to order. Independent of the reordering policy, the planning system usually follows this logic:

    1. The quantity of the order proposal is calculated to meet the specified minimum inventory level of the item, usually the safety stock quantity. If nothing is specified, the minimum inventory level is zero.
    2. If the projected available inventory is below the safety stock quantity, a backward-scheduled supply order is suggested. The order quantity will at least fill the safety stock quantity, and can be increased by gross demand within the time bucket, by the reordering policy, and by the order modifiers.
    3. 3. If the projected inventory is on or below the reorder point (calculated from aggregated changes within the time bucket) and above the safety stock quantity, a forward-scheduled exception order is Both the gross demand to be met and the reordering policy will determine the order quantity. At minimum, the order quantity will meet the reorder point.
    4. If there is more gross demand due before the ending date of the forward-scheduled  order proposal, and this demand brings the currently calculated projected available inventory below the safety stock quantity, the order quantity is increased to make up the deficit. The suggested supply order is then scheduled backward from the due date of the gross demand that would have violated the safety stock quantity.
    5. If the Time Bucket field is not filled in, only the gross demand on the same due date will be added.

    The following reorder period fields also play a role in defining how much to reorder:  Rescheduling Period, Lot Accumulation Period, and Dampener Period.

    Reordering Policies

    The following reordering policies affect the quantity that is being reordered.








    Hope this helps.








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