Hi Everyone.
Please explain to me how to post negative and positive adjustments in the Item journal and what does the function do.
Stay safe.
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Denys De Andrado.
Hi Everyone.
Please explain to me how to post negative and positive adjustments in the Item journal and what does the function do.
Stay safe.
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Denys De Andrado.
Jerome77, cara o seu link me salvou, o diário de item eu já sabia como utilizar, mas ele me levou para diário de item armazém, que era uma situação de movimentar estoque com localização (e eu estava perdido). Obrigado.
Dear Jerome,
Thank you soo much for the help.
Now i got a clear picture of the function.
Stay safe.
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Denys De Andrado.
I would use item journal more as an internal tool to manage inventory, to correct things when needed.
From an inventory perspective, if you use a PO to receive 10 or use item journal to receive 10, result is the same in inventory. But if you buy something from a vendor, and you need to invoice, then of course you cannot use item journal.
Hi Jerome.
Thanks for the feedback.
By the way what is the difference between posting item quantities by Purchase orders and by posting positive and negative adjustments?
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Denys De Andrado.
Hi Denys
Depending on your location setup, you can use item journal or warehouse item journal to add or remove quantities from stock.
Maybe this link is useful:
Adjust inventory with the item journal - Learn | Microsoft Docs
Kind regards
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