So I have a report that works fine in BC 365 v19.5 on-prem. Now I'm porting this same report over to my BC 365 SaaS sandbox. It doesn't produce any results. The intent is to generate item labels based on a Posted Purchase Receipt lines. Since we have serialization in place, I can't just drill down into each Item No. based the matching Item Ledger Entry. I am drilling down into a temporary ILE based on each Serial No. value that rolls up to the Item No. I'll paste the report code below. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
////// Report DCH GS1 DataBar Rcpt (ID 50105). /// report 50105 "DCH GS1 DataBar Rcpt" { DefaultLayout = RDLC; RDLCLayout = 'Layouts/DCH QR Code Tag.rdlc'; ApplicationArea = All; Caption = 'DCH GS1 DataBar - Receipt'; UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis; EnableExternalImages = true; dataset { dataitem(Items; Item) { DataItemTableView = SORTING("No."); PrintOnlyIfDetail = true; RequestFilterFields = "No."; dataitem("ItemLedgerEntry"; "Item Ledger Entry") { DataItemLink = "Item No." = Field("No."); DataItemLinkReference = Items; DataItemTableView = SORTING("Entry No."); RequestFilterFields = "Item No.", "Document No."; dataitem("ItemSubledgerEntry"; "Item Ledger Entry") { UseTemporary = true; DataItemLink = "Item No." = Field("Item No."), "Serial No." = Field("Serial No."); DataItemLinkReference = ItemLedgerEntry; DataItemTableView = SORTING("Item No."); column(Item_Description; Item.Description) { } column(Item_No_Text; ItemNoSerialNoText) { } column(Item_No; Item."No." ' : ' "ItemLedgerEntry"."Serial No.") { } column(Barcode_To_Print; '*' BarcodeText '*') { } column(Barcode_To_Print_HumanReadable; BarcodeToPrint) { } column(Item_Price; CurrentPrice) { } column(QrCode; Barcode) { } } trigger OnAfterGetRecord() var WrkText: Text[50]; begin if Item."No." <> "Item No." then Item.Get("Item No."); if Item."Item Tracking Code" = '' then begin ItemILE.Reset(); ItemILE.SetRange("Item No.", "ItemLedgerEntry"."Item No."); ILECount := ItemILE.Count; NonSerializedItemCount = 1; if NonSerializedItemCount > 1 then CurrReport.Break(); end; WrkText := Item."No." '1'; WrkText := WrkText.PadLeft(14, '0'); if "ItemLedgerEntry"."Serial No." <> '' then begin BarcodeToPrint := '(01)' WrkText '(21)' "ItemLedgerEntry"."Serial No."; BarcodeText := '01' WrkText '21' "ItemLedgerEntry"."Serial No."; end else begin BarcodeToPrint := '(01)' WrkText; BarcodeText := '01' WrkText; end; Barcode := '' BarcodeText; FetchCurrentPrice(Item."No."); QtyCount := ItemLedgerEntry.Quantity; for i := 1 to QtyCount do begin ItemSubledgerEntry.Init(); ItemSubledgerEntry.Copy(ItemLedgerEntry); ItemSubledgerEntry."Entry No." := RowCount; ItemSubledgerEntry.Insert(); RowCount = 1; NoOfBarcodesPrinted = 1; end; end; trigger OnPreDataItem() begin SetRange(Open, true); Clear(NonSerializedItemCount); end; } trigger OnPostDataItem() begin if NoOfBarcodesPrinted = 0 then Message(NoNosFounds) else Message(BarcodesWerePrinted, NoOfBarcodesPrinted); end; } } requestpage { layout { } actions { } trigger OnInit() begin RowCount := 1; end; } labels { } var Item: Record Item; BarcodeToPrint: Text[100]; NoOfBarcodesPrinted: Integer; ItemNoSerialNoText: Label 'Item No. : Serial No.'; NoNosFounds: Label 'No QR codes to be printed were found for the item'; BarcodesWerePrinted: Label '%1 QR codes were printed'; BarcodeText: Text[100]; Barcode: Text; PriceListLine: Record "Price List Line"; PriceStatus: Enum "Price Status"; PriceAssetType: Enum "Price Asset Type"; PriceSourceType: Enum "Price Source Type"; PriceSourceGroup: Enum "Price Source Group"; PriceType: Enum "Price Type"; CurrentDate: Date; ItemRec: Record Item; CurrentPrice: Decimal; ItemILE: record "Item Ledger Entry"; ILECount: Integer; NonSerializedItemCount: Integer; ILE: Record "Item Ledger Entry"; QtyCount: Decimal; RowCount: Integer; i: Integer; local procedure FetchCurrentPrice(var ItemNo: Code[20]): Decimal begin CurrentDate := Today(); CurrentPrice := 0; PriceListLine.Reset(); PriceListLine.SetFilter(Status, Format(PriceStatus::Active)); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Asset Type", Format(PriceAssetType::Item)); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Source Type", '=%1|=%2', PriceSourceType::"All Customers", PriceSourceType::"Customer Price Group"); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Source Group", Format(PriceSourceGroup::Customer)); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Price Type", Format(PriceType::Sale)); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Asset No.", ItemNo); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Starting Date", '<=%1|=%2', CurrentDate, 0D); PriceListLine.SetFilter("Ending Date", '>=%1|=%2', CurrentDate, 0D); if PriceListLine.FindFirst() = false then begin ItemRec.Reset(); ItemRec.SetFilter("No.", ItemNo); if ItemRec.FindFirst() then begin CurrentPrice := ItemRec."Unit Price"; end end else begin CurrentPrice := PriceListLine."Unit Price"; end; exit(CurrentPrice); end; }