Hello Dawn,
Normally when we see these type of errors, it is because the account framework settings (which are held in the DYNAMICS database's SY003001 and SY00302 tables did not synch with the dictionary files, which hold all the scripts that Utilities uses to create new tables, views, procedures, etc.
The GL10110, GL10111, GL70500 and GL70501 tables, among others, get setup with a number of columns to correspond with the number of segments and those segment lengths that you have setup for the account framework.
If the dictionary files do not synch with the account framework, they will default to a number of segments of 5 and a segment length of 9.
When this happens, during the upgrade, Utilities will rename the GL10110 table to G10110L and then use the scripts I mentioned to create the GL10110 table at the new version you're upgrading to. If the new table is not created at the correct structure (number and length of segments), you'll get these type of upgrade errors when Utilities attempts to move the data from the original G10110L table to the new GL10110 table.
What we'd want to do at this point, if you're still at this point in the upgrade, is the following:
1. For the Dex.ini file, change SYNCHRONIZE=FALSE to SYNCHRONIZE=TRUE, then close and save changes to the Dex.ini. This file is held in the 'Data' folder for GP 10.0 and GP 2010.
2. Run this script to force the failed tables through the upgrade process again:
Delete DYNAMICS..DU000030 where Status <> 0 and Status <> 15
3. In the DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade table, make sure the db_status column shows 23 for the company database failing on these tables.
4. Launch GP Utilities which should synchronize the account framework and then attempt to upgrade these failed tables again, then go on from there with the upgrade.
If the upgrade fails on these tables again, go back into the Dex.ini and verify that SYNCHRONIZE=FALSE, meaning the synchronization took place. If it still shows as TRUE, then the Dynamics GP code is probably bad and I would recommend either using different code or uninstalling/reinstalling.
If SYNCHRONIZE does show as FALSE, but the same tables are failing, then we'd have to see the results of the following scripts:
Select * from DYNAMICS..SY003001
Select * from DYNAMICS..SY00302
sp_help GL10110
sp_help GL10111
sp_help GL70500
sp_help GL70501
If the tables are incorrect, they would have to be fixed before going through the upgrade process.
One other note, we never want to drop and re-create any tables in Dynamics GP where we can lose the data in the tables. If the tables are empty, then this would be an option, but otherwise, we do not want to risk losing data. The only exception are Report Option tables, ending in **70500, as you will only lose report option information.
Thank you