We created a new form in a model driven app and set this as the default Main form, added it to the model driven app as the only form for the entity, and published the solution, form, and app. But the form does not display; it is the basic information form. What can prevent a published/default/mail form from appearing when the app is loaded?
Power Apps screenshot of published form: https://www.screencast.com/t/4hIw8gbChoih
Form editor view of the custom form: www.screencast.com/.../8gjCtIoH
Loaded app with entity that should display the form: https://www.screencast.com/t/bsgkG1G7MGlT
Any ideas for troubleshooting?
Hi partner,
Please clear your browser cache or try another browser.
just the obvious stuff
In the old days (but I think the bug is fixed now) there could be a problem where the user had used another form and this was remembered and when you removed the form from the app it would still try to load it rather than the new form (but we haven't see this in a while)
Hey VSalyer24;
I have a few follow up questions. In this case it looks like you've created a net new form although it's the main form for the entity does the form have the proper security roles attached to it? Is it selected for all users when checking the security roles?
The form your seeing is it only the information form? If in your app you selected the new main form + information are you able to see the form selector and properly select the new form?
Look forward to hearing back from you good luck!
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