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Word Template and excel template extraction

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Hi Everyone,

First of all thank you for the time taken of reading my questions.

I have two questions.

1. I am looking into setting up word templates. After figuring out how to get the dynamics data into my template and making sure that it is able that tables auto expand (depending on the amount of relating records) I was trying to get into some graphs that visualize the seen data. Does anyone have a tip how I can visualize my data (using Dynamics 365 xml) in a chart within word?

2. When you are on a specific record entity. For example account A you have not the ability to set up excel templates (as on standard it is only possible on views) I thought via workbench tool I would be able to add this feature to a single record aswell but without result so far. Does anyone know how to add the function/feature excel templates to a form (form of e.g. a single account record).

Thanks again for reading my message.

Have a good day!

Kind regards,

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Word Template and excel template extraction

    1. For the first one, I believe that you should use an Excel template.

    2. Excel templates are made to make meaning of more than one record.



  • Suggested answer
    Henry J. Profile Picture
    Henry J. 5,237 on at
    RE: Word Template and excel template extraction


    1. For Word Templates, I'm not aware of a way to render a chart, unless you integrate an image that already exists.
    Have you checked out Excel Templates to integrate charts? 

    If your data model is a bit complex (i.e. would want to display the chart based on a child entity records), you could also consider creating reports
    You can either create new reports with a wizard or you can create completely custom reports that allow much richer rendering options.
    Reports can then be exported to Word or PDF formats (among others).

    2.  Excel Templates are indeed only available on list of records, as they don't necessarily make sense on a single record (your Excel file would have one row).
    I'm not aware of a way to achieve that in a supported manner, as the RenderTemplate API isn't documented.
    Custom reports could be a viable alternative.


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