I have been experiencing an issue in our sandbox development environment. I have been receiving an error message when trying to upload my extension form vscode to a saas sandbox.
Debug console:
The request for path /v2.0/sandbox-development/dev/apps?SchemaUpdateMode=forcesync&IsRad=true&DependencyPublishingOption=default failed with code UnprocessableEntity. Reason: Ihre Änderungen können jetzt nicht gespeichert werden, da die Daten in einer Transaktion aktualisiert werden, die von einer anderen Sitzung ausgeführt wird. Sie müssen warten, bis die andere Transaktion abgeschlossen ist, was eine Weile dauern kann. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
The error message I am receiving is in German, and it translates to: "Your changes cannot be saved now because the data is being updated in a transaction being run by another session. You have to wait for the other transaction to complete, which may take a while. Try again later."
But I am completly sure that there is no other process. I did try to restart the enviroment.
I understand that this typically means that another session is using the same data I am trying to manipulate. However, I am certain that no other process is currently active that could be causing this conflict. I have even attempted to restart the environment to clear any possible lingering sessions, but the issue persists.
Could you please provide guidance on this issue? I am interested in understanding whether there could be a hidden or dormant session that is interfering with my process or if there might be a bug or an issue with the system itself that is causing this error.