I have read every post on this topic, but I am still not able to make sellable days work in demo legal entity USMF or in our own legal entity in our PROD environment.
In USMF I have:
1) I have created a new Item model group and activated FEFO date-controlled and set Picking criteria to Expiry date
2) I have setup Sellable days on the customer to 180 days
3 I have created a product and 2 batch numbers for that product with an expirý date of around 2 and 3 months time of as today.
4) The warehouse 13 is not WHM activated
5) Reservation method is set to Automatic on the sales order.
6) The requested receipt date is set to todays date.
RESULT: The automatic reservation reserves according to FEFO, but completely disregards the Expiration date and the sellable days. Even when I pick a Requested ship date after the expiry date, it is ignored.
What am I missing?