I want to print the Instructor Name for the selected record when I open the page.
And I have those two system variables Rec and xRec, that seems work the same way.
I was reading stuff, but the only useful info I found was this https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-microsoft-dynamics/9781786468192/35ee3208-3f84-40b0-931e-bb438b49a1eb.xhtml
The page says "Rec represents the current record data in process and xRec represents the record data before it was modified."
That is simple to understand, but it's just too vague for me to comprehend .
In the first and third piece of code I have the same result each time.
In the second piece, I got a different result according the one I'm clicking.
If isn't asking too much, I would like for someone to explain why those results are happening, which one should I use in similar attempts
and if possible, very simple examples of both
I'm a NAV starter, I came from a C# background so OOP explanations can also help
PS: The FINDFIRST isn't important (I think it's not perfectly used,) I just put there because I don't know yet a way to know if there's records, so I figured out that if there's record there's at least one record FINDFIRST would work
OnOpenPage() IF Rec.FINDFIRST = TRUE THEN BEGIN MESSAGE(FORMAT(Rec."Instructor Name")); END ELSE OnOpenPage() IF xRec.FINDFIRST = TRUE THEN BEGIN MESSAGE(FORMAT(Rec."Instructor Name")); END ELSE // or IF xRec.FINDFIRST = TRUE THEN BEGIN //texto:= Rec.GETFILTER("Formation Code"); MESSAGE(FORMAT(xRec."Instructor Name")); END ELSE