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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

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Posted on by 370


How do I pull a single report with the following criteria: 1) Supplier 2) Total quantity of items sold 3) Total quantity of items on hand 4) Specific Date range 5) "Ext'd Description" column.

 The detailed sales report provides the information but it displays a line item for each item sold, so if you sold 6 of item ABC there would be 6 individual line items for each time it sold, I need just a total for the subject item(s) sold.

A custom report was suggested/provided by a member of the forum but it does not include the "Ext'd Description" column.

Any help appreciated.

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Hi Upendra.

    You are refering to the report posted by extel? As I saed, I need to dive into my backups and see...

    BR, A.

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Danny, this was long ago, I have to go through my backups and see if I can find it...

    Will try, OK?

  • RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Hi Antonijo,

    The On Hand qty is showing the HQ qty not the respective store on hand qty.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Upendra Nath M.

  • RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Hi Antonijo, did you ever make this report work? if yes, could you share how you made this work???

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Send me you e-mail on I think i got it. There may be some minor errors, but i think it should be OK...

    Kind regards, A.

  • extel Profile Picture
    extel 370 on at
    RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Thank you for the reply.  In regards to the supplier, we always use one supplier.  The following was provided by a member of the forum.  It works; however, it does not provide the extended description.  If this could be adjusted to include the extended description, I believe this would solve our problem:

    Copy this info into Notepad and save as .QRP in the Reports folder.

    //--- Report Summary --- //

    Begin ReportSummary

     ReportType = reporttypeSales

     ReportTitle = "Summary Sales Report"

     PageOrientation = pageorientationPortrait

     OutLineMode = True

     Groups = 1

     GroupDescription = ""

     DisplayLogo = True

     LogoFileName = "MyLogo.bmp"

     ProcedureCall = ""


     PreQuery2 = <BEGIN>

       CREATE VIEW ViewOnOrder AS

           SELECT itemid, sum(quantityordered - quantityreceivedtodate) AS OnOrder

           FROM PurchaseOrderEntry

           LEFT JOIN PurchaseOrder on PurchaseOrderEntry.purchaseorderid =

           WHERE potype < 2

           GROUP BY itemid


     TablesQueried = <BEGIN>

        FROM     TransactionEntry INNER JOIN [Transaction] WITH(NOLOCK) ON TransactionEntry.TransactionNumber = [Transaction].TransactionNumber

           LEFT JOIN   Item WITH(NOLOCK) ON TransactionEntry.ItemID = Item.ID

           LEFT JOIN   Department WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.DepartmentID = Department.ID

           LEFT JOIN   Category WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.CategoryID = Category.ID

           LEFT JOIN   Supplier WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.SupplierID = Supplier.ID

    LEFT JOIN   ViewOnOrder WITH(NOLOCK) ON Item.ID = ViewOnOrder.ItemID


     SelCriteria = ""

     GroupBy = "Department.Name, Category.Name, Item.ItemLookupCode, Item.Description, Item.Price, Item.Quantity, Supplier.SupplierName, Item.Cost, ViewOnOrder.OnOrder, Item.SubDescription1, Item.SubDescription2, Item.SubDescription3, Item.BinLocation, Item.PriceA, Item.PriceB, Item.PriceC, Item.MSRP, Item.LastSold, Item.SalePrice, Item.SaleStartDate, Item.SaleEndDate"

     SortOrder = ""

    End ReportSummary

    //--- Title Rows ---//

    Begin TitleRow

     Text = "<Store Name>"

     Font = "Arial"

     FontBold = True

     FontSize = 16

     Color = "Blue"

    End TitleRow

    Begin TitleRow

     Text = "<Report Title>"

     Font = "Arial"

     FontBold = True

     FontSize = 12

     Color = "Black"

    End TitleRow

    Begin TitleRow

     Text = "Generated On <Report Date>"

     Font = "Arial"

     FontBold = True

     FontSize = 10

     Color = "Black"

    End TitleRow

    //--- Filters ---//

    Begin Filter

     FieldName = "[Transaction].Time"

     FilterOp = reportfilteropBetween

     FilterLoLim = "<Today>"

     FilterHilim = "<Today>"

    End Filter

    //--- Columns ---//

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Department.Name"

     DrillDownFieldName = "Department.Name"

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Department"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = False

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 2205

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Category.Name"

     DrillDownFieldName = "Category.Name"

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Category"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = False

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1515

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Supplier.SupplierName"

     DrillDownFieldName = "Supplier.SupplierName"

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Supplier"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1725

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode"

     DrillDownFieldName = "Item.ItemLookupCode"

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Item"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = False

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1380

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.Description"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Description"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = False

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 2115

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.SubDescription1"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "!CaptionItemSubDescription1"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1600

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.SubDescription2"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "!CaptionItemSubDescription2"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1600

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.SubDescription3"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "!CaptionItemSubDescription3"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1600

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.Quantity"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "On Hand"

     VBDataType = vbDouble

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 810

     GroupMethod = groupmethodSum

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "ViewOnOrder.OnOrder"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "On Order"

     VBDataType = vbDouble

     Formula = "ISNULL(ViewOnOrder.OnOrder, 0)"

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 950

     GroupMethod = groupmethodSum

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.Price"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Price"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 720

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.PriceA"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Price A"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 750

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.PriceB"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Price B"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 750

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.PriceC"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Price C"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 750

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.Cost"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Cost"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 750

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Quantity"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Qty Sold"

     VBDataType = vbDouble

     Formula = "SUM(TransactionEntry.Quantity)"

     ColHidden = False

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 810

     GroupMethod = groupmethodSum

     ColFormat = "##########"

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Total"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Total Sales"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = "SUM(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity)"

     ColHidden = False

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1275

     GroupMethod = groupmethodSum

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Cost"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Total Cost"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = "SUM(TransactionEntry.Cost * TransactionEntry.Quantity)"

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1000

     GroupMethod = groupmethodSum

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Profit"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Profit"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = "SUM((TransactionEntry.Price - TransactionEntry.Cost) * TransactionEntry.Quantity)"

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 950

     GroupMethod = groupmethodSum

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "ProfitMargin"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Profit Margin"

     VBDataType = vbDouble

     Formula = "CASE WHEN SUM(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity) <> 0 THEN SUM((TransactionEntry.Price - TransactionEntry.Cost) * TransactionEntry.Quantity)/SUM(TransactionEntry.Price * TransactionEntry.Quantity) ELSE 0 END"

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1300

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = "0.00%"

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "TotalDiscount"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     StoreIDFieldName = ""

     Title = "Discount"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = "SUM((TransactionEntry.FullPrice - TransactionEntry.Price) * TransactionEntry.Quantity)"

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1220

     GroupMethod = groupmethodsum

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.BinLocation"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     StoreIDFieldName = ""

     Title = "Bin Location"

     VBDataType = vbString

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1440

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

     ColAlignment = flexAlignLeftCenter

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.MSRP"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "MSRP"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 750

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.SalePrice"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Sale Price"

     VBDataType = vbCurrency

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1000

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.SaleStartDate"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Sale Starts"

     VBDataType = vbDate

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1020

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.SaleEndDate"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Sale Ends"

     VBDataType = vbDate

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 930

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "Item.LastSold"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Last Sold"

     VBDataType = vbDate

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = False

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 1000

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

    Begin Column

     FieldName = "[Transaction].Time"

     DrillDownFieldName = ""

     DrillDownReportName = ""

     Title = "Date Sold"

     VBDataType = vbDate

     Formula = ""

     ColHidden = True

     ColNotDisplayable = True

     FilterDisabled = False

     ColWidth = 900

     GroupMethod = groupmethodNone

     ColFormat = ""

    End Column

  • Suggested answer
    Antonijo Todorovik Profile Picture
    Antonijo Todorovik 4,025 on at
    RE: Quantity Sold/Quantity on Hand Report with "Extended Description" field

    Hi there. The problem I see in this report is that you want to get the total quantity sold, so you need to group the transactionEntry lines, but if you add ExtendedDescripiton, which is a nText field you can't do that... On other side, items can be delivered by more then one Supplier and in that case you can't know if the item sold was delivered from one or other supplier..., so you have to assure that one item is always delivered from one and always the same supplier....

    And if you do this report in external Excel file, by using VBA or similar???

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