I have created a new field in Inventory Pick Page(Table Warehouse Activity Header) and now i want that if i post the ship from Inventory Pick page than the field i have created appear in posted sales shipment page(Table Sales Shipment Header) with data i have input.
tableextension 50109 PostedSalesShipmentTable extends "Sales Shipment Header"
field(50100; "Total # Medical Skids"; Decimal)
/* DataClassification = ToBeClassified; */
Editable = false;
CalcFormula = lookup("Warehouse Activity Header"."Total # Medical Skids" where("Source No."=field("Order No.")));
myInt: Integer;
tableextension 50105 InvPickTable extends "Warehouse Activity Header"
field(50100; "Total # Medical Skids"; Decimal)
DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
Editable = true;
myInt: Integer;
I used flowfiled but not working.
These are screenshots of inventory pick when I am clicking on post->ship, Then I wanted to send Total Medical skip value as well to Posted sales shipment page which is not working.