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Dynamics 365 solutions Source Control

Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I am trying to implement application life cycle for our Dynamics 365 customisations using Azure Devops. Currently we have three environments(1 dev, 1 test and 1 production). The idea will be to:

  1. Create a base Unmanaged solution in dev.
  2. Export it
  3. Use Solution Packager to extract code and then submit to source control.
  4. After that use pipelines to.
    1. Repackage the source code using Solution Packager
    2. Deploy to the downstream environments. 


I am hoping if you could help me with the solutions, source control, and best practices around it. Creating unmanaged solution works well, but

  1. is creating patches for customisation changes best practice?
  2. If yes, then deploying patches to test and live environments the best practice? Or deploying the whole solution best practice?
  3. If using patches, how do you put patches in source control? Is the best practice to extract using Solution Packager and save as a separate branch from the master branch(which is the base solution files). If I do this, this would mean that my pipelines will deploy the whole solution instead of a patch.


I hope my questions make sense, and thanks a lot for taking out time for this

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