What process can change the batch status from void to 'S' (suspended).
Can i just run the sql 'delete from batch where status = 'V' . Is there any bad impact in Solomon.
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What process can change the batch status from void to 'S' (suspended).
Can i just run the sql 'delete from batch where status = 'V' . Is there any bad impact in Solomon.
Best Regards
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We sometimes get a batch with a V status when running our sales journal. We need to manually set the status in order to proceed with releasing our invoices. this is the use case for changing a batch status.
I have a similar situation. My batch shows in the AP batch register as 'V'.
Originally the user received a 6909 error, deleted batch #1 and made a new batch number. Again, an error 6909 occurred when attempting to post the batch; again the user deleted the batch. I caught her before she entered a new batch number.
Now that she deleted the batch and it only shows in the batch table as 'V', should I delete it using SQL. I can't 'see' the batch using any of the Dynamics screens other than this report.
Hi Toni ,
Many Thanks and Happy New Year.
Best Regards
I THINK that is only used while there is an un-released batch out there.
If you run the AR Batch Register set to periods 01-1980 to 12-9999 and the parameters of BATCH.STATUS IN S,H,I,R,T,B,K You will see any batches that are not released.
(this set of letters, an easy-to-remember mnemonic, works in all modules' batch registers.
Hi ,
Tq very much.One question there is a field name applbatnbr in ardoc table what records are related to this batch number or what process will update this field.
Many thanks and Best Regards
yes, if there are no related records, you can either delete the batch, or make it suspended and re-use the batch. Probably safer to delete it.
Hi ,
When is the batnbr is the correct field.
Select * from batch where batnbr = '123' :- result 1 records found and having status = 'V'
Select * from aradjust where adjbatnbr = '123' :- result no records
Select * from ardoc where batnbr = '123' :- result no records
Select * from artran where batnbr = '123' :- result no records.
When i executed the above sql statement i can't find the related records for batch '123'. Seems that the batch '123' only exists in batch table.Just wonder why the status can be changed from 'V' to 'S'.
Since i can't find the records to avoid the changing occurs , i would like to delete the batch '123' records in batch table.
Thank You in Advance and Best Regards
OK-- 1 record found is good.
The ARADJUST table mostly connects payments and credit memos to invoices and debit memos. Theonly batch number referenced is the Payment/CM batch, so if there is no matching ADJBATNBR then it maybe just means your batch was invoices and not payments/credits.
But for ARDOC and ARTRAN, yes the BATNBR field is correct.
Hi ,
need to know :-
Select * from batch where batnbr = '123' :- result 1 records found
Select * from aradjust where adjbatnbr = '123' :- is adjbatnbr is the correct field to get related records as batch in '123' from batch table.
Select * from ardoc where batnbr = '123' :- is batnbr is the correct field to get the related records as batch '123' from batch table
Select * from artran where batnbr = '123' :- id batnbr is the correct field to get the related records as batch '123' from batch table.
Best Regards
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