Hi, I'm working my way through these powershell scripts...seems like each one errors out on me and I have to figure it out. Anyway I'm running this script:
$CertificateScriptWithCommand = “.\CertificateReconfiguration.ps1 -certificateFile c:\Personalcertfile.pfx -password personal_certfile_password -updateCrm -certificateType S2STokenIssuer -serviceAccount contoso\administrator -storeFindType FindBySubjectDistinguishedName”
Invoke-Expression -command $CertificateScriptWithCommand
Obviously I put in my information for the login, certification location and pwd. My latest error is this:
Read Permission to Access Certificate Private Key is not granted. Please check if Service Account exists.
I've already made sure the account I'm using does have permissions on the certificate key but I still have the issue. Ideas?
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