Last week, when version 9.1 rolled out into our instance of Microsoft Dynamics 365, the SystemForm table (SystemFormBase in the powerplatform app), gained about 900 MB to total just over 1GB. I opened a ticket and was told that this was due to the new relationships required for the Unified Interface. The problem is that this put us over storage for compliance - and none of the data is our user-based CRM-type data. I asked whether this table could be cleared and was told that it could be, but if it was, customizations to forms and views would no longer be possible. Does anyone know whether it would be possible to fractionally delete data from this table safely? (We would need to use the API, but fine, whatever ...). Just curious. I wasn't able to get an answer as to whether a partial delete of records from this table would have the same effect. Also, did anyone else notice this?
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