While customizing the Customer Insight Journey app -> Real time journeys area, Analytics page got removed my mistake which shows the aggregated Journey and Channel insights via PowerBI dashboard.
I cannot find it anywhere to add it back. Its not list under the /All other pages/.
Would be great if someone could help me restore the Analytics page.
Please follow the below steps and screenshots to add an Analytics page to the Real-time journeys area:-
1) Edit the Customer Insights – Journeys app at the https://make.powerapps.com/à Click on Add Pageà Select URL and click on Next
2) Enter the “/main.aspx?pagetype=control&controlName=CxpOrchestrationAnalytics.RealTimeAnalyticsControl.RealTimeAnalyticsControl” URL in the URL field and give the Title as Analyticsà Click on Add
3) Analytics page will be added under the Navigation. Then Save and Publish the CustomerInsights– Journeys app.
Hope this helps.
If this helped, kindly please mark this answer as verified as it will help others too who might have same query as yours.
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