Client upgraded from 7.0FP1 to 2015 CU1 and has an on again off again problem with some reports. Basically the records returned are doubled or tripled without any clear cause. I had thought it was some of the pre-execution SP's populating views and another user running same report or similar, but client didn't want me to dig too deep. I set the reports that were known to have issues commonly to DISTINCT in Crystal and moved on.
Client is now reporting it more commonly and most recently PA150.rpt (Project Transaction) was found to have the problem. In checking it has an EXE (GRRSW00) but no stored procedure. Pulling the SQL from Crystal and running it I could see duplicated records being returned. Digging in more it seems the following JOIN was the source of the duplication:
INNER JOIN "CompanyAppDB"."dbo"."RptCompany" "RptCompany" ON "pjtran"."CpnyId"="RptCompany"."CpnyID
So looking at RptCompany records when two reports (same or different) are being run there are multiple entries like the following:
CpnyID CpnyName RI_ID tstamp
0000 Company 3 0x0000000004CB77F8
0000 Company 4 0x0000000004CB780A
So question is why multiple entries or why does SL not handle the multiple entries?
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