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Tracking account specific feedback on marketing campaign (investment banking)

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We sell businesses.

Our use case is to build a set of Accounts within CRM and then run projects where we identify around 40 of our accounts to send details of our client too. Similar to a marketing campaign I want to track the feedback from each project against each account.

So output would be a sub grid within the Project showing the Accounts we’ve gone out to and the unique feedback from each. Then within account a sub grid showing the Projects we’ve shown the Account.

The area I’m falling down on is having the unique tracking feedback on each project against each Account. Similar to being able to add individual notes against an Account on a Marketing List.

Hope this makes sense. Would be great if someone can help.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Tracking account specific feedback on marketing campaign (investment banking)


    I would recommend to create a custom entity that serves as a custom M:N relationship between Account and Project entity. This custom entity (lets call it "ProjectFeedback]") would have fields like:

    ID, Project (1:N lookup), Account (1:N Lookup), Comments (Textbox), Status (OptionSet), Created Date, …

    Then you create subgrids (or rely on the Related Views / associated views) for the Project Feedback on both Account and Project while showing the respective related project feedback items. You may create respective views that show the Project / Account in the respective other entities project feedback grid.

    Next you can think on how to utilize this information:

    - If you are using Dynamics 365 for Marketing, you can add this Project Feedback to the customer insights sync and start building segments against project feedbackand filter by project, Status and identify the primary contact of the respective accounts.

    - Or you build dynamic marketing lists to select accounts or respective contacts for follow up communication

    In Dynamics 365 for Marketing you could then run automated Customer Journeys that pull dynamic information from the respective Project Feedback items:

    "Dear [xyz], you have provided the following feedback to our proposal for Project [abc]:


    We love to talk more "

    In order to efficiently capture the feedback when staff is working with the prospects, a Power App might help that is tuned for entering new project feedback items on the go on a tablet device.

    Lots of opportunities...

  • Chickyd Profile Picture
    Chickyd 185 on at
    RE: Tracking account specific feedback on marketing campaign (investment banking)

    Thanks for the reply!

    Project means the standard Project entity. On this entity I'd have a list of Accounts which I was sending out marketing material to - the way I'd thought of doing this was a sub grid. The challenge comes when I create an Accounts sub grid in Project I get an Accounts view - so showing Accounts fields only. I want to have a field associated with each Account I add to the Project list which is unique to that project/account.

    So on the Project list/sub grid I'd have a list of Accounts and unique fields.

    To set out it (hopefully) more clearly:

    Project entity

    Project name Account name  
    Project 1 ABC
    Project 2 DEF

    Project 1 record

    Account name Status Comments
    XYZ Green Good comment

    Project 2 record

    Account name Status Comments
    XYZ Red Bad comment

    Account record - XYZ

    Account name Status Comments
    Project 1 Green Good comment
    Project 2 Red Bad comment

    Making more sense?

    Thank you!

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Tracking account specific feedback on marketing campaign (investment banking)

    Hi Chickyd

    Could you let me know what your what your "project" means? Was it a entity customized by yourself?

    The final result you would like to implement is a subgrid with adding notes likes below?


    In addition, I'm not very clear about what the meaning of this sentence: "Then within account a sub grid showing the Projects we’ve shown the Account. ".

    Any screenshot with trouble you've met would be helpful to me to understand your demand better. Thanks.



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