RE: Tax Schedule ID error message
Sorry for not responding earlier. For some reason, I didn't get notified that anyone else had posted to the thread. Anyway, we post through to the GL. We are not using an automated solution. For Avatax configuration, we have the Tax Schedule ID as AVATAX and that is the Default Tax Schedule in the Tax Calculation screen of the Configuration. Within GP, we have a Tax Detail ID AVATAX and we have a Tax Schedule ID AVATAX. When I go into the Tax Schedule Maintenance window and select the Tax Schedule ID AVATAX, it shows that the Selected Tax Detail IDs is AVATAX. So I think we have everything set up correctly. Let me know if anything sounds incorrect though.
The problem is basically fixed now though. It turned out that the connector software needed to be reinstalled. Apparently there had been an update to it or something. It fixed the problem except that they only updated the version on our terminal server (we use Citrix) and not on the SQL server so that caused another problem. Whenever I would do a remote desktop connection to SQL and get in to GP as "sa" when no other users were in, it would want me to re-install Avatax. And then I would have to run the installation wizard again when logging in through Citrix. Turned out this was due to having two different versions. Now they've re-installed the Connector software on our terminal server and our SQL server, but we're running into other issues that I'm not sure if they are a coincidence or if they are related. For example, any list that has Business Analyzer makes GP go haywire when logging into GP through Citrix. The same list is fine when going into GP on SQL. And today I saved a smart list as a favorite (to user id) and set a reminder and GP completely shuts down. I can't log in because it shuts down immediatley, regardless if I'm going through Citrix or SQL. I log in as 'sa' and it is fine. And it doesn't seem to be happening to anyone else (thankfully). I've got an email out to Avalara about it. These two issues weren't happening prior to the re-installation, so I can't help but think it is somehow related. I've also noticed that address validation isn't working when we save an address even though I have it set to do that in the Configureation. Also, everytime we print an edit list in Sales, we get a message about recalculating tax amounts. I think I will try running check links tonight and see if it helps. Thank you for the suggestion. Also, I did notice some settings that I don't remember seeing before. Do either of you know if these are new to the Tax Calculation Options?
AvaTax integration for Receivables Transaction Entry
Tax Amount Adjustment functionality via Receivables Transaction Entry
Enable Item Tax Option Override - Sales Transaction Entry
If either of you have any issues like the ones I described above and know of anything that would help, please let me know!