Hi Everyone,
I want to create a cue showing the Due Items from Purchase Line table and Purchase Order Subform page, The cue should show the of count of the number of items having today and future as their Promised Receipt date.
Hi Everyone,
I want to create a cue showing the Due Items from Purchase Line table and Purchase Order Subform page, The cue should show the of count of the number of items having today and future as their Promised Receipt date.
Hello Rupali,
May we have the final working code
Its Done.Thanks.
Send me the new code
I did that already ,still it is not filtering my page records. Can you please fix my code to explain?
Remove the variable declaration in the OnOpenPage trigger.
I didn't quite understand, if You could Please explain.
You are applying a filter on a different record, you need to apply it on the Page Record, remove the variable declaration in the OnOpenPage
Thanks, I removed that field, It is still not filtering the items having Promised Receipt date as Today and tomorrow,It shows all the items that are there in Purchase line Table without filtering anything ,Can you please help?
You have defined New Date Filter has flow filter not as flow field and you can use CalcFields only on flow fields, there is a difference between flow filter and flow field.
Please check below
I have my code below. It gives me error that "The New Date Filter field in the Purchase Cue table must be a FlowField".I have already described it as FlowFilter,Can you please help..
tableextension 50129 PurchCue extends "Purchase cue"
// Add changes to table fields here
field(50121; "New Date Filter"; Date)
FieldClass = FlowFilter;
field(50120; PendingItems; Integer)
FieldClass = FlowField;
CalcFormula = count("Purchase Line" where("Document Type" = filter(Order), "Type" = Const(item), "Promised Receipt Date" = FIELD( "New Date Filter")));
Caption = 'Due Items';
pageextension 50130 PurchseOrdercuepage extends "Purchase Agent Activities"
addbefore("Post Arrival Follow-up")
caption = 'ItemDue';
field("PendingItems"; PendingItems)
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'Due Items';
// actions{}
trigger OnOpenPage()
Rec: Record "Purchase cue";
Rec.SetRange("New Date Filter", CALCDATE('<-CM>', TODAY), CALCDATE('<CM>', TODAY + 1));
Rec.CalcFields("New Date Filter");
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