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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue

Posted on by 165

I have an issue with a modifed form in Report Writer.  The report name is Check with Two Stubs on Top.  The unmodified report shows only 2 decimal places for Cents and the modifed report is showing 5.  The calulated string for both forms is exactly the same.


Currently reads:  Six Hundred Seventeen Dollars and 50000 Cents

Required:  Six Hundred Seventeen Dollars and 50 Cents


Any help is appreciated.


Thank you,



*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue


    The above package was tested at GP2013 SP2.  Before you import the file ensure you backup copy of your existing report.  Backup your system and company database. Conduct the test at your test environment. Hope it  works for you.



  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue

    <Component Name="Check with Two Stubs on Top" ProductId="0" Object="Report" >

    Report "Check with Two Stubs on Top"




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    EvaluateAfter "Calc City-State-Zip"

    Expression "'rw_SplitWordAmt'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'String A 255''PM_Payment_WORK'.'String B 255'75 1  )  "

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    EvaluateAfter "Calc String 1"

    Expression "'rw_SplitWordAmt'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'String A 255''PM_Payment_WORK'.'String B 255'75 2  )  "

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    CalculatedField "Calc String 3"


    EvaluateAfter "Calc String 2"

    Expression "'rw_SplitWordAmt'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'String A 255''PM_Payment_WORK'.'String B 255'75 3  )  "

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    CalculatedField "Calc Which Check Comment"


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    Expression "if  (  'Data - Document Number'  =  accumulator[433]  )   OR   (  accumulator[433]  =  \"\"  )  then 'Calc Check Comment2' else 'Calc Check Comment' "

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    CalculatedField "Check Total"


    EvaluateAfter "Calc Which Check Comment"

    Expression "if 'RW_Foreign_Currency'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Currency ID' )   =  0  OR  'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Control Type' =  2 then 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Check Total'else 'MC_PM_Transactions'.'Originating Check Total'"

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    Expression "'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Document Number'"

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    Expression "\"\" "

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    ResultType "String"


    CalculatedField "Rounded"


    EvaluateAfter ""

    Expression "'RW_Round'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Check Total'0 2 2  )  "

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    CalculatedField "Rounded-AIW"


    EvaluateAfter ""

    Expression "'RW_ConvertToWordsAndNumbers'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Check Total''MC_Currency_SETP'.'Currency ID'0  )  "

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    CalculatedField "Vendor Address Line 2"


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    Expression "'rw_SelectAddrLine'( 2 \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 1''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 2'\"\" \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'City''PM_Payment_WORK'.'State''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Zip Code'\"\"  )  "

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    CalculatedField "Vendor Address Line 3"


    EvaluateAfter ""

    Expression "'rw_SelectAddrLine'( 3 \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 1''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 2'\"\" \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'City''PM_Payment_WORK'.'State''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Zip Code'\"\"  )  "

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  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue


    Was able to import your format in my test environment and print check.  Guess what, I was not able to see the issue your are referring to.  The decimals and the words are printing just fine.  How ever I have created two calculated fields one for check amount and other for amount in words and placed it on the check.  The fields  are shaded light grey.  




    Shall post the package file shortly ... 






  • Steve Connors Profile Picture
    Steve Connors 165 on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue

    Here you go:

    <Component Name="Check with Two Stubs on Top" ProductId="0" Object="Report" >

    Report "Check with Two Stubs on Top"




    CalculatedField "Calc Address 2"


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    CalculatedField "Calc Check Comment"


    EvaluateAfter ""

    Expression "'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Check Comment'"

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    Expression "'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Check Comment'"

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    Expression "if 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 2' <>  \"\" then 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'City-State-Zip Code'else \"\" "

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    Expression "'rw_SplitWordAmt'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'String A 255''PM_Payment_WORK'.'String B 255'75 1  )  "

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    Expression "'rw_SplitWordAmt'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'String A 255''PM_Payment_WORK'.'String B 255'75 2  )  "

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    Expression "'rw_SplitWordAmt'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'String A 255''PM_Payment_WORK'.'String B 255'75 3  )  "

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    EvaluateAfter "Data - Document Number"

    Expression "if  (  'Data - Document Number'  =  accumulator[433]  )   OR   (  accumulator[433]  =  \"\"  )  then 'Calc Check Comment2' else 'Calc Check Comment' "

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    Expression "if 'RW_Foreign_Currency'( 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Currency ID' )   =  0  OR  'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Control Type' =  2 then 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Check Total'else 'MC_PM_Transactions'.'Originating Check Total'"

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    Expression "'rw_SelectAddrLine'( 2 \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 1''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 2'\"\" \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'City''PM_Payment_WORK'.'State''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Zip Code'\"\"  )  "

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    CalculatedField "Vendor Address Line 3"


    EvaluateAfter ""

    Expression "'rw_SelectAddrLine'( 3 \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 1''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Address 2'\"\" \"\" 'PM_Payment_WORK'.'City''PM_Payment_WORK'.'State''PM_Payment_WORK'.'Zip Code'\"\"  )  "

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue

    Export your modified report to a package file.  open the package file in notepad, copy and paste it here.



  • Steve Connors Profile Picture
    Steve Connors 165 on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue

    Thank you, but this does not work.  The field is a string as shown in teh example above.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Report Writer AP Check Decimal Issue

    This article might help.



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