You can try few things: All will contribute:
Maximum allowed content length
1. Open IIS manager | Expand “Sites” | Click on “Microsoft Dynamics CRM” | On the right pane under section “IIS”, double click on “Request Filtering”.
2. Now on right pane, click on “Edit Feature Settings…”
3. Put the value for “Maximum allowed content length (Bytes)” as “60000000” | Click “OK”
1. Open IIS manager | Expand “Sites” | Right Click on “Microsoft Dynamics CRM” and Click “Explore”. (This will open CRM website root folder)
2. Now in that folder locate “Web.Config” file and open that in “Notepad” (open it only in notepad so that we avoid any formatting or corruption of the file. If necessary, take a backup of the file)
3. Now search for string “maxRequestLength” | Change the value to “60000”. Search again, the “maxRequestLength” should be present in two areas in the web.config file – change all of them.
4. Save the web.config file
WCF Compression
a. On the CRM Server Navigate to: C:WindowsSystem32InetsrvConfigapplicationHost.config and open it with notepad.
b. Search for the Section: “<dynamicTypes>” and in that section you should fine an entry that looks like this:
<add mimeType=”application/x-javascript” enabled=”true” />
., Below that, add the following line:
<add mimeType=”application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8″ enabled=”true” />
d. Save the file and reset IIS for the setting to take effect.
Open IIS
Click on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM website
Click on the Compression icon in the main page
Verify you have checked the boxes
Enable dynamic content compression
Enable static content compression
Key at: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP\Parameters
decimal value of 30
Hope this help !