We have a requirement to export a Bank Payment file for international payments (SIF format) for Barclays UK.
The expected file format is not the usual one as it is expected one line per field. The first 25 lines represents the first payment record, after line 26 until 50 represents the second payment and so on.
We are trying to avoid customisation and use Data Exchange Definition.
Looking for online documentation https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/across-how-to-set-up-data-exchange-definitions, we can see the description of field File Type.
File Type | Specify what type of file the data exchange definition is used for. You can select between four file types: - XML: Layered strings of content and markup surrounded by tags indicating function. - Variable Text: Records have variable length and are separated by a character, such as a comma or semi-colon, also known as delimited file. - Fixed Text: Records have the same length, using pad characters, and each record is on a separate line ,also known as fixed-width file. - Json: Layered strings of content in JavaScript. |
We try to use the option Fixed Text but does not work as expected.
Also confirmed with MSFT Support.
Any ideas to avoid customisation?