I tried to make a sales return order, But the Customer Name column is in hidden mode, How can I make it active
I tried to make a sales return order, But the Customer Name column is in hidden mode, How can I make it active
Dear Mohana
Thanks, Now it is fine
try this:
Open the Sales Return Order page in Business Central.
In the top-right corner of the page, click the "Personalize" icon. This will open the Personalization pane on the right-hand side of the page.
In the Personalization pane, locate the "Columns" section.
Find the "Customer Name" column in the list and check the box next to it. This will make the column active again.
Click the "Apply" button to save your changes.
Once you've made the column active again, you should see the Customer Name field appear in the Sales Return Order page.
If you want to save these changes permanently for your user profile, click the "Save" button in the Personalization pane.
check my answer if it helped you, thanks
which version are you using?
Did try "Show more" on the tab?
You can add the fields by Personalize option.
By default its visible, you can try show it by using Personalization option.
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