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Unable to link Sales Header Archive and Sales Line Archive

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Hi team, 

I am trying to create a new document print on an Archive sales order, trying to link with the sales order archive header, and  Line getting the below error. Pls guide how I can solve this issue 


refer the code 


report 60120 Salesorderarchive
Caption = 'SalesOrder Archive';
UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis;
ApplicationArea = All;

dataitem("Sales H Archive"; "Sales Header Archive")
PrintOnlyIfDetail = true;
column(Hno; "Sales H Archive"."No.") { }
column(Hdate; "Sales H Archive"."Order Date") { }
column(Hcustomer; "Sales H Archive"."Sell-to Customer No.") { }
column(HCustname; "Sales H Archive"."Sell-to Customer Name") { }
column(HSPeron; "Sales H Archive"."Salesperson Code") { }
column(HDocType; "Sales H Archive"."Document Type") { }
column(HVersion_No; "Sales H Archive"."Version No.") { }

// column(Sales_Header_Archive_Document_Type; "Document Type")
// column(Sales_Header_Archive_No_; "No."){}

// Archive Line item // -- Start

dataitem("Sales Line Archive"; "Sales Line Archive") // "Sales Line Archive"; "Sales Line Archive"

DataItemLink = "Document Type" = FIELD("Document Type"), "Document No." = FIELD("No.");
DataItemLinkReference = "Sales Header Archive";
DataItemTableView = SORTING("Document Type", "Document No.", "Line No.");

column(Alineno; "Sales L Archive"."No.") { }
column(ALinedocno; "Sales L Archive"."Document No.") { }
column(AlinedocType; "Sales L Archive"."Document Type") { }
column(Alinedesciption; "Sales L Archive".Description) { }
column(ALineUnitofMeasure; "Sales L Archive"."Unit of Measure") { }
column(Quantity_SalesLine; "Sales L Archive".Quantity) { }
column(ALineUnitPrice; "Sales L Archive"."Unit Price") { }
column(AlLineDiscountAmt; "Sales L Archive"."Line Discount Amount") { }
column(TotalAmount; TotalAmount) { }
column(ALineVATAmount; "Amount Including VAT" - Amount) { }
column(AlineAmount_SalesLine; "Sales L Archive".Amount) { }
column(AllineAmountIncludingVAT_SalesLine; "Sales L Archive"."Amount Including VAT") { }
column(CI; CI) { }

trigger OnAfterGetRecord()

CI += 1;
TotalAmount := (("Sales L Archive"."Unit Price") * ("Sales L Archive".Quantity)) - "Sales L Archive"."Line Discount Amount";
TotalAmount += "Sales L Archive"."Amount Including VAT";
RepCheck.FormatNoText(NoText, TotalAmount, "Sales H Archive"."Currency Code");
AmountInWords := NoText[1];

trigger OnPreDataItem()
TotalAmount := 0;
CI := 0;

} // Sales Line End


layout { }

actions { }


// rendering
// {
// layout(LayoutName)
// {
// Type = RDLC;
// LayoutFile = 'mylayout.rdl';
// }
// }

myInt: Integer;
AmountInWords: Text;
RepCheck: Report "Check";
TotalAmount: Decimal;
NoText: array[2] of Text;
CI: Integer;

  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 76,147 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Unable to link Sales Header Archive and Sales Line Archive

    Hi, It looks like there is something wrong with the structure and variable names.
    I modified it slightly, but haven't debugged it.

    report 50111 Salesorderarchive
        Caption = 'SalesOrder Archive';
        UsageCategory = ReportsAndAnalysis;
        ApplicationArea = All;
            dataitem("Sales H Archive"; "Sales Header Archive")
                PrintOnlyIfDetail = true;
                column(Hno; "Sales H Archive"."No.") { }
                column(Hdate; "Sales H Archive"."Order Date") { }
                column(Hcustomer; "Sales H Archive"."Sell-to Customer No.") { }
                column(HCustname; "Sales H Archive"."Sell-to Customer Name") { }
                column(HSPeron; "Sales H Archive"."Salesperson Code") { }
                column(HDocType; "Sales H Archive"."Document Type") { }
                column(HVersion_No; "Sales H Archive"."Version No.") { }
                // column(Sales_Header_Archive_Document_Type; "Document Type")
                // column(Sales_Header_Archive_No_; "No."){}
                // Archive Line item // -- Start
                dataitem("Sales L Archive"; "Sales Line Archive") // "Sales Line Archive"; "Sales Line Archive"
                    DataItemLink = "Document Type" = FIELD("Document Type"), "Document No." = FIELD("No.");
                    DataItemLinkReference = "Sales H Archive";
                    DataItemTableView = SORTING("Document Type", "Document No.", "Line No.");
                    column(Alineno; "Sales L Archive"."No.") { }
                    column(ALinedocno; "Sales L Archive"."Document No.") { }
                    column(AlinedocType; "Sales L Archive"."Document Type") { }
                    column(Alinedesciption; "Sales L Archive".Description) { }
                    column(ALineUnitofMeasure; "Sales L Archive"."Unit of Measure") { }
                    column(Quantity_SalesLine; "Sales L Archive".Quantity) { }
                    column(ALineUnitPrice; "Sales L Archive"."Unit Price") { }
                    column(AlLineDiscountAmt; "Sales L Archive"."Line Discount Amount") { }
                    column(TotalAmount; TotalAmount) { }
                    column(ALineVATAmount; "Amount Including VAT" - Amount) { }
                    column(AlineAmount_SalesLine; "Sales L Archive".Amount) { }
                    column(AllineAmountIncludingVAT_SalesLine; "Sales L Archive"."Amount Including VAT") { }
                    column(CI; CI) { }
                    trigger OnAfterGetRecord()
                        CI  = 1;
                        TotalAmount := (("Sales L Archive"."Unit Price") * ("Sales L Archive".Quantity)) - "Sales L Archive"."Line Discount Amount";
                        TotalAmount  = "Sales L Archive"."Amount Including VAT";
                        RepCheck.FormatNoText(NoText, TotalAmount, "Sales H Archive"."Currency Code");
                        AmountInWords := NoText[1];
                    trigger OnPreDataItem()
                        TotalAmount := 0;
                        CI := 0;
                } // Sales Line End
            layout { }
            actions { }
        // rendering
        // {
        // layout(LayoutName)
        // {
        // Type = RDLC;
        // LayoutFile = 'mylayout.rdl';
        // }
        // }
            myInt: Integer;
            AmountInWords: Text;
            RepCheck: Report "Check";
            TotalAmount: Decimal;
            NoText: array[2] of Text;
            CI: Integer;

    Hope this helps.



  • Verified answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,274 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Unable to link Sales Header Archive and Sales Line Archive


    try setting the archive row properties like this

    DataItemLink = "Document No.=FIELD(No.),Doc. No. Occurrence=FIELD(Doc. No. Occurrence),Version No.=FIELD(Version No.);

    DataItemLinkReference = "Sales H Archive";

    DataItemTableView = SORTING("Document Type", "Document No.", "Line No.");

    if my answer was helpful, please check it


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