We are using 'MEMJournalLineAPI' OData service to integrate to the General Journal screen in the Dynamics 365 MEM.
We need to pass the unique 'BssiLineNo' field to this service object. If we have passed the line number for ex.100000 and if records with the same line number exist in the General Journal then it gives us the error as below
{"error":{"code":"Application_DialogException","message":"Batch Header Entity ID for existing record cannot be changed. CorrelationId: ba6505b6-ae6c-4883-8989-63eefc345749."}}
Could you please advise which method/table will tell us the existing line numbers in the General Journals, so we will take the last line number and will increment it by 10000?
Or is there any other solution we need to use to get and pass the BssiLineNo field value?
Please advise.