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Creating payment allocations via API using the applyCustomerEntries API method

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Hi Team,
I am using the cloud version of Business Central and I am going to create payment allocations via API using the applyCustomerEntries API method.

However, I found that Business Central's metadata doesn't include the applyCustomerEntries API method.
I have created the custom ODATA API method applyCustomerEntries, but it isn't working.
From forum messages, I understand that I should create a custom API endpoint based on the applyCustomerEntries API method.

Therefore, I have the following questions:

1. Do I need a developer license to create custom endpoints? If so, how can I obtain it for the cloud version?
2. How do I access the admin developer panel for the cloud version?
3. Can you provide any examples of how to create custom endpoints?
  • Verified answer
    gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 13,235 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Creating payment allocations via API using the applyCustomerEntries API method
    You can develop in the cloud without considering a development license.
    To develop, you require access to a client sandbox environment or, failing that, through a container.
    Here is some information for working with apis.

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