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Is it possible to cancel dual-write automatic updates and do it manually instead?

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Is it possible to cancel dual-write automatic updates and do it manually instead?

Can I find more information elsewhere regarding the updates than what is in here: ?

Can I find out the dates for the updates, when they are released and when are they updating them automatically?

Or get for example some kind of alert on these dates?

Thank you on advanced for your answers!

  • Ellap365 Profile Picture
    Ellap365 5 on at
    RE: Is it possible to cancel dual-write automatic updates and do it manually instead?

    Hi André,

    Thank you for your answer.

    To clarify, I don't mean updates done by dual write integration itself, such as real time customer data transfer from F&O to CE. 

    What I mean by updates is dual write core solution updates rolled out automatically by Microsoft, see link

    Background for this request is that we want to have more control on when solution is updated by Microsoft: We need to be sure that these updates won't break our dual write integration form F&O to CE. 

    To be precise I need understanding on following topics: Can we disable dual write core solution updates by Microsoft, and do them by ourselves instead? 

    If above is not possible, is there somewhere clear timetable on when dual write solution is updated to our CE instances?

    Now what we can see from here is just month when updates are launched.

    Kind regards,


  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 292,187 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: Is it possible to cancel dual-write automatic updates and do it manually instead?

    Hi Ellap365,

    Can you provide the background of your question? The concept of dual write is maintaining data in F&O and CE at the same time in a single transaction. You can disable dual write and manually update two applications yourself or create an own integration which will never be near real time like dual write.

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