Upon encoding of a new Customer, under the posting groups, after selecting Domestic, the next field "Vat Bus. Posting Group" fills in automatically with VatPurch. I am new to it, so I wasn't able to check. After such scenario, a user created an SO wherein it was declared as VatPurch. It was posted and shipped. Now they want to do a proper invoice and noticed that it is not in the VatSales Category. I reopened the Sales order and tried to change it but it shows error such as
But can't edit the Qty Shipped. How will I resolve this? Thanks in advance
Undo Receipt, from the Posted Sales Shipment, will reverse the posted transaction and reinstate the Quantity Shipped to Qty. to Ship, in addition to any remaining quantity previously there. In addition, I can Open the Sales Order and make updates, if necessary, and Release again. I can then perform a Post - Shipment action and correctly ship and post the correct VAT Bus. Posting Group, for the Customer, which can be updated prior to Posting.
Perform these steps and you will be able to resolve the above.
Hope this helps.
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