Hi all,
Client requires the PO(Purchase order) raised by users to be first approved by the department head.
Once the department head approves, the document must move to GM (General Manager) and AGM (Assistant General Manager) of the organisation. Both of them should receive the PO for approval at the same time (in 'requests to approve' screen).
When either the GM or AGM approves the PO, the document status must be set to 'released' and must therefore be approved (only one of them needs to approve the PO).
Also, once one of them approves, automatically the document must be removed from the 'requests to approve' screen of the other.
In NAV 2016 workflow, is there a possibility to do this?
When work flow user group is used with sequence number, is it not possible to have a document approved, if one users in the same sequence approves?
Have tried many possibilities -nothing seems to work.