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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

receveing transfers

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

If store A received a transfer from store B

example :

Store  B Sent " 6 misc items" to store A

Store A received 3 items (3 lost in transit or stolen or employe miscalc'ed let's say)

Store A transfer shows (RCVD 3, for 6 items)


Store B never knows about it......

HQ manager never knows unless one looksup all transfers and checks...

Any way to know if somehitng is not adding up ?


*This post is locked for comments

  • Alwani Profile Picture
    Alwani 710 on at
    Re: receveing transfers

    I had similar issue and I solve this by creating one transit store inside my real store, so instead of shipping to directly to store, I shipped this to transit store and from there first received it and then ship the actual qty received to my real store, I know this is kind of big job but can be done some customization to over come on this.

    Let me know what help you need to setup this configuration. Else you can write some script which will not update the store A, when Store B received only 3 out of 6 being ship.

    With Transit store concept you can always have balance in that store if there is discrepancies, easy to track.

  • Spencer McCandless Profile Picture
    Spencer McCandless 2,085 on at
    Re: receveing transfers

    Note that this will not find transfers originated through worksheet 330 in HQ. To find these you would need to replace

    WHERE potype='2'


    WHERE (potype='2' OR potype='4')

    complete with the parentheses.

  • Spencer McCandless Profile Picture
    Spencer McCandless 2,085 on at
    Re: receveing transfers

    I'm not aware of any built in way to check this short of looking at individual past transfers in HQ. The best solution would be to write a custom report in HQ, but for a quick fix you could run this query in HQ Administrator (assuming you have "Automatically create receive inventory order" enabled in HQ manager configuration) :

    SELECT PONumber, Itemdescription, quantityordered AS 'Quantity Sent', quantityreceivedtodate AS 'Quantity Received', (quantityreceivedtodate - quantityordered) AS 'Delta' FROM purchaseorderentry JOIN purchaseorder ON purchaseorderentry.purchaseorderid = AND purchaseorderentry.storeid = purchaseorder.storeid WHERE potype = '2' AND status = '2' AND quantityreceivedtodate <> quantityordered

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