I'm rather new to BC developent and I try to connect an application via API v2 to BC. The application creates a puchase order which generally works fine. What does not work is to post the codes for shortcutDimension1Code and shortcutDimension2Code.
I prototype with Postman.
The JSON I use to post is as follows:
/orderDate/: /2024-5-16/,
/vendorNumber/: /600354/,
/shortcutDimension1Code/: /some value/,
/shortcutDimension2Code/: /another value/
Status response is 201.
The body of the response is:
/@odata.context/: ...
/number/: /BE02-000035/,
/orderDate/: /2024-05-16/,
/postingDate/: /2024-05-16/,
/vendorId/: /8d3fc854-e338-ed11-97e8-0022485d2640/,
/vendorNumber/: /600354/,
/shortcutDimension1Code/: //,
/shortcutDimension2Code/: //,
In BC the dimensions are empty.
Does anyone know how to post dimension values to BC using the API?
Thanks and kind regards,