I hope CRM and Sharepoint integration is already done. If yes, you can upload your document in CRM itself.
Enable Document Management in the entity.
Here’s an easy way to embed the SharePoint document window you’d normally get by navigating to “Documents” under related records, which includes all the native functionality like search, upload,
This might fall under the area of semi/not supported but if it happens to break one day you won’t have invested too much.
You’ll need to create an iFrame for the SharePoint content, probably within it’s own tab. Remember what you name the iFrame as you’ll need to modify with that value.
When configuring the iFrame...
On the General tab:
- Restrict cross-frame scripting… to Unchecked
On the Formatting tab:
- Number of Rows to 34
- Scrolling to Never
- Display Border to Unchecked
You could set the rows to a lower number, you’d just end up with a scrollbar despite the never scroll setting.
Take this code and update the iFrame name and add it to the form. Call
SetDocumentFrame during the form’s OnLoad event.
function SetDocumentFrame() {
//Use: Make sure Document Management is enabled for the entity (helps to turn on automatic folder creation)
// Add a web resource with this code to the form
// Execute this function during the form's OnLoad event
var url = Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() +
"/userdefined/areas.aspx?formid=ab44efca-df12-432e-a74a-83de61c3f3e9&inlineEdit=1&navItemName=Documents&oId=%7b" +
Xrm.Page.data.entity.getId().replace("{", "").replace("}", "") + "%7d&oType=" +
Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters().etc +
Xrm.Page.getControl("IFRAME_???").setSrc(url); //Replace IFRAME_??? with actual IFRAME name
If you’re doing this, you might also consider turning on the option to auto-create SharePoint folders. Otherwise people are going to be getting prompted. You can find this under:
Settings –> Document Management –> Document Management Settings and then it’s on the 2nd page.