Here I have email body where I need note printed,
procedure SendEmail(oldno: Record Enquiries; newno: Code[20])
cdu_EmailMessage: Codeunit "Email Message";
cdu_Email: Codeunit Email;
ToRecipients: Text;
Subject: Text;
Body, AddBody : Text;
textWorkDes: Text[100];
enum_RecipientType: Enum "Email Recipient Type";
rec_enquries: Record Enquiries;
rec_salesheader: Record "Sales Header";
enum_DocumentType: Enum "Sales Document Type";
enum_Alerts: Enum Alerts;
SalesPostedMsg: Label '<br> The initial SalesOrder Number is <strong>%1</strong>. <br>The Replacement SalesOrder Number is <strong>%2</strong>. <br> The Note is <strong>%3</strong>';
Subject := 'Enquries';
Body := StrSubstNo(SalesPostedMsg, oldno.No, newno, oldno.Note);
Body += '<br><br>Kind Regards,<br><br>Business Central';
cdu_EmailMessage.Create(cdu_CommonHelper.EmailSetup(enum_Alerts::"EnquiriesAndReturns"), Subject, Body, true);
if rec_enquries.Count > 0 then begin
//rec_enquries.DeleteAll(); end;
With this code my notes entered in input box is coming now,
But I want,
I want this note Test1 which I got using copylinks function to be printed in my mail how can do that please help