RE: EFT for PAyables; UK Subsidiary
1. Are you already using multicurrency in your company? If so, you can setup additional currency for the UK. If not you can setup multi-currency and you would need to take care of the translation tables.
2. Or if you decide to set this up in a seperate company, you would still setup UK currency. . Then use management reporter to do the translation, although you still setup the translation tables in GP. (See Currency setup for Management Reporter).
3. Next go to your bank and hopefully you don't have Wells Fargo (antiquated EFT System). And find out what their requirements are for an UK EFT file. Depending on the bank there is a UK layout available. You will have to get the additional banking details for your Vendors: Building Society Roll, Swift Address, EFT Bank Branch, EFT Bank Account.
4. If there is nothing that can meet your needs as to your layout, then there are some 3rd party layouts available that will help you out. There was a mention of one last week. But start with your bank first. And get the layout and see if it can come straight out of the system.
Then look up multicurrency setup.