When we try to email statements the email options button is grayed out. Can someone give me some advice on this.
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When we try to email statements the email options button is grayed out. Can someone give me some advice on this.
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I think of this in terms of the "old way" and the "new way" of emailing. Historically in GP, the ability to email statements came before the ability to email everything else. You can configure statement emailing in one way or the other, but not via both methods. When your system is configured in the "old way," the Email Options button is available but the Email button at the top of the screen is not. When your system is configured in the "new way" the Email button is available but the Email Options is not.
The "old way" is when you go into Customer Maintenance, click Options, and mark the "send email statements" checkbox.
The "new way" is when you set up statement emailing options via Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Tools >> Setup >> Company >> Email Settings >> click the Sales Series hyperlink >> mark the checkbox to send Customer Statements & select an Email Message ID.
Hi, can I know is this resolved? I got the same issue as well.
What version of MS Outlook are you using? I believe that GP can only use 32-bit MS Office.
I unchecked everything. That ungrays the email options box, but then the option email box at the tops disappears and I don't have the email option any more
You may want to check out this KB as well. KB2884548.
Here is a snip from the KB.
Navigate to Tools under Microsoft Dynamics GP, point to Setup, point to Company and click Email Settings. Click on the Sales Series. (You may be prompted to enter your network password.) Review if the checkbox for Customer Statement is marked or not.
I believe in your circumstance, you would want this checkbox unmarked.
Yes all that is checked.
I am assuming you are attempting to email customer statements?
If so, have you verified on the customer card options window that the 'Send e-mail statements' check box is selected? And an email has been added.
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