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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce

Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

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I am trying to find out if there is a better way to handle this scenario. We typically purchase items in case quantities but occasionally receive less than the case if the vendor is short. For example, let’s say 1 CASE = 12 BOTTLES. Our purchase order line says 1 CASE but we register only 8 BOTTLES with PO Receipt using the advanced warehouse mobile device. It seems the system won’t recognize those 8 BOTTLES. In fact if I check the PO “Totals” for the registered value, it doesn’t match the value of the 8 bottles (oddly the results are mixed here too – sometimes it rounds up to the full case value, sometimes it shows a value of $0). Regardless, it is not accurate, and you can’t even post the receipt or invoice. It seems that this may not be intended functionality? The only solution seems to be to change the PO line to 8 BOTTLES and re-confirm before registering receipt. Is this the only logical solution or is there a better approach?



  • Jason1 Profile Picture
    Jason1 75 on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Kasun,

    As always I appreciate the feedback. I will be contacting Microsoft to get some further insight before we try this in our live environment. I'll report back with any details worth sharing.

    Thanks again,


  • Suggested answer
    Kasunpathirana Profile Picture
    Kasunpathirana 277 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Jason1,

    I think you have to clearly test out your all scenarios if you are planning to change it in production environment and make sure all your test cases are passed and their isn't any impact by changing it.

    Furthermore one more thing to consider is when you change is that for an example the DP from 2 to 4 you will not be able to change back to 2 even though there is no additional transactions. You will encounter the error "The decimal precision cannot be changed because open transactions using this unit of measure exist".

    Also I would also recommend to log a case with Microsoft and get their opinion on this change it will be worthwhile before you do this change.


    Kasun Pathirana

    The reply is solely my personal opinion. It doesn't reflect my employer or Microsoft opinion.

    my D365 related web site link is below


  • Jason1 Profile Picture
    Jason1 75 on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Kasun,

    Thanks for the follow up. I did try this in a test environment and didn’t see any issue although I’ve only done a limited amount of transactions and certainly not all the types we would experience in the live environment. I thought I might be able to avoid issues in the live environment by one of the following:

    Option 1:

    • Making sure there are no open sales orders/purchase orders or any other transactions
    • Change the decimal precision to 4
    • Posting a count journal for all on hand inventory items (for the same on hand quantity) which would theoretically update the decimal values for all (even though the Inventory UOM quantities stay the same)

    Option 2:

    • Making sure there are no open sales orders/purchase orders or any other transactions
    • Post a count journal to “zero out” all on hand inventory
    • Change the decimal precision to 4
    • Posting a second count journal for all on hand inventory items to bring them back in using the updated decimal values

    Any opinion as to whether either is a logical approach?

    Thanks again,


  • Suggested answer
    Kasunpathirana Profile Picture
    Kasunpathirana 277 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Jason1,

    I think below two links will help you for details to consider. (This is in previous version might be useful)

    Also hope that you aren't already live with the system because changing from the existing values might have some repercussions because of the existing transactions. 



    The reply is solely my personal opinion. It doesn't reflect my employer or Microsoft opinion.

    my D365 related web site link is below


  • Jason1 Profile Picture
    Jason1 75 on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Kasun,

    Thanks – that was it! We had the Decimal precision at the default of 0. I've never understood the impact of that setting and this is the first time we’ve encountered any issue as a result. While the Case fractions were proper as you mentioned with a decimal precision of 2, I still needed to go to a decimal precision of 4 in order to get the net cost to match the vendors invoice to the penny. Works perfectly now.


    I am just curious, is there any reason not to just set all of my units the same way? I had read that you generally want to set the decimal precision only to the largest number required for your needs. Any considerations I might make before changing others to 4?

    Thanks again,

  • Verified answer
    Kasunpathirana Profile Picture
    Kasunpathirana 277 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Jason1,

    I have checked your scenario. I believe the issue is when you use CASE and BOTTLES there isn't any "Decimal Precision" given.

    Please let me know your decimal precision. I have recreated your scenario and perform the same scenario with "Decimal Precision" as 2.

    Once I received the 8 Bottles then it recognized quantity received as 0.67 which is the rounded value 8/12 CASE. Also it recognized that deliver remainder is 0.33 which is 4/12 CASE.

    I manage to receive the line and post the "Product Receipt" and clear the deliver remainder and then proceed with "Invoice".

    Please let me know your feedback. Hope this will help you. 



    The reply is solely my personal opinion. It doesn't reflect my employer or Microsoft opinion.

    my D365 related web site link is below


  • Jason1 Profile Picture
    Jason1 75 on at
    RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    Hi Ivan,

    Thanks for the reply - I will try to clarify. We normally purchase an item from our vendor by the CASE and we inventory it and sell it by the BOTTLE. In my example the unit conversion is set as 1 CASE = 12 BOTTLES. The units are set accordingly on the item for each (Purchase by CASE, Inventory by BOTTLE and Sale by BOTTLE). Under the Warehouse tab for the item, its “Unit sequence group” is setup as follows: 1. Bottle, 2. Case and “Case” has the “Default unit for purchase and transfer” selected (since that’s how we normally receive it).

    If we create a PO for 10 CASES and upon receipt we scan the case barcode and receive 10 CASES then no problem. However, if instead the vendor was short and we only receive 9 CASES + 3 BOTTLES, and we scan the CASE barcode and receive the first 9 cases, then we scan individual bottle barcode for the 3 remaining bottles, the system doesn’t like that and the results are inconsistent (for those last 3 bottles). The only way I can resolve is to go back to the PO, change the original line from 10 to 9 cases, then create a new line for the 3 individual bottles, re-confirm the PO and then receive it as described. It seems as though you are not able to partially receive in a unit of measure other than what is on the PO line? Hopefully I am missing something.

    Thanks again,


  • RE: Partial receipt of PO line in Inventory UOM instead of the Purchase UOM

    This is definitely a supported scenario, you can receive less than what the order line is for.

    I'm not sure I understood what exact is not working (and where you bring the item value into production)

    Are you sure you have the inventory unit set to Bottle? And have the right unit conversion defined?

    Are the physical quantities on the transactions correct? I'd assume to see that you have 8 registered and 4 still on order after the po receipt.

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