I am trying to find out if there is a better way to handle this scenario. We typically purchase items in case quantities but occasionally receive less than the case if the vendor is short. For example, let’s say 1 CASE = 12 BOTTLES. Our purchase order line says 1 CASE but we register only 8 BOTTLES with PO Receipt using the advanced warehouse mobile device. It seems the system won’t recognize those 8 BOTTLES. In fact if I check the PO “Totals” for the registered value, it doesn’t match the value of the 8 bottles (oddly the results are mixed here too – sometimes it rounds up to the full case value, sometimes it shows a value of $0). Regardless, it is not accurate, and you can’t even post the receipt or invoice. It seems that this may not be intended functionality? The only solution seems to be to change the PO line to 8 BOTTLES and re-confirm before registering receipt. Is this the only logical solution or is there a better approach?