Thank you. And based on this and testing I confirmed it won't work for what we are doing. I have to consolidate 3 sites into one site. A little history first. The idiots who setup our GP install long before I was here, setup one company separated by 3 sites, 3 sets of GLs (3 item classes x 2 product lines per "class" so 6 item classes) and hoped that when the same physical product given 3 different item numbers had to be grabbed from the same bin for one of the sites/classes it wouldn't cause a lot of problems down the road. Uh, ok. I'll let you come up with your own explicatives. Anyway, I now have been asked to merge all this into one site/class/set of GLs. Of course the process in the past was to do logical inventory transfers or company to company sales in the system to recognize the movement of products but that hasn't always worked out. But, the fact that the sites have transferred products from one to the other negates the ability to use the site combiner as it cannot merge movement to what would essentially be itself.
I am looking into Integration Manager, but I don't see a template for Inventory Transfer. I see Inventory Transaction, but all the options that seem to be available are in and out transactions not inter site transfers. It lacks options of Site from and Site to and Bin from Bin to for example.
Thus I am heading down the road of directly manipulating the database and testing if it is possible to do a hybrid change.
To deal with Class Merge:
Before I start, I save off all item level custom descriptions that are affected by class that I want to push back afterwards.
First, I have determined that I go to 2 of 3 of the item classes and change the GL accounts and a few other descriptive defaults on the class then when saving the update, propogate the changes to all the items.
Second, create a new Item class with the name I want and all the basics to be applied.
Third, I directly update IV00101.ITMCLSCD to the new class name that they are to use going forward.
**To figure out is how I go into all the open SOP and POP documents and update the acct index fields that will be used when the orders are processed. We have already seen this problem when someone tried to "fix" the above history by simply changing an Item Class stranding its historical SOP and POP records with indexes from the prior class.
Regarding site merge, I am at this point, trying to figure out like I said, how to do a mass site inventory transfer of several thousand items. It requires:
Creating a mass link of Items to Site and Site to Bin (both I have successfully done in the past via SQL insert or Integration.)
Forcing the warehouse to clean up their problem with negative bins
Mass updating any primary bin locations for the site association, SQL update
And last of all, to create an Inventory Transfer for all the items with positive inventory. This I can't currently find in Integration Manager. I can (hopefully) however and I am currently testing the possibility to create a Inventory Transfer record via GP client then mass load the required tables which so far I find to be IV10001 (items and GLs), V10003 (items with qtys and bins).
Any suggestions on this would be great.