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D365 Marketing Page Auto Localization

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Hi Team,

The requirement would be to create an intake form, place it on a marketing page, and localize the form based on the visitor’s location. Inside CRM the user-facing form fields (option set labels) and free text fields are translated, if needed, to English.


The localized text for the marketing form/page would be provided. We would need to display the localized form/page to the page visitor.  


M Muragaiah.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: D365 Marketing Page Auto Localization

    Hi Muragaiah,

    Here is a simplified solution, please check whether it would help:

    1. Create multiple form field records with different label values and map all of them to same field.

    Field will display in Label value.


    e.g: Name: First Name(French), Label: Prénom

    Name: First Name(German), Label: Vorname

    2. Create multiple marketing forms with corresponding language form fields.

    3. Create multiple marketing pages with corresponding marketing forms.

    Now we will get several pages and URLs.

    4. Then you can put these URLs to case branches of switch statement of following code, and embed the code on your default English page, it will execute at afterFormLoad event of marketing form.(By using Marketing Form API)

    MsCrmMkt.MsCrmFormLoader.on("afterFormLoad", function (event) {
    function detectLanguage() {
        var userLanguage = navigator.language.slice(0, 2);
         * If there is no matching translation page, stay on default English page
        switch (userLanguage) {
            case "fr":
                location.href = "URL to French form";
            case "de":
                location.href = "URL to German form";
                return true;

    User will be navigated to corresponding language form page, or stay at current page if there is no matching language page.

    The code above is modified based on answer in this thread:



  • RE: D365 Marketing Page Auto Localization

    Hi ,

    Thanks, for the inputs and followup,

    is there any other way to achieve this? . based on login user location form language should open?


    M Muragaiah.

  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: D365 Marketing Page Auto Localization

    Hi Muragaiah,

    Please let me know whether the solution would work for you, or whether any further assistance is required to implement customization.



    If you had found any answer helped, please kindly mark as verified to close the thread, it would be really appreciated.

  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: D365 Marketing Page Auto Localization

    Hi Muragaiah,

    It seems that translating label text by JavaScript would the solution for your requirement, see my first answer in following thread:



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