Hi Guys,
I'm hoping one of you can point me in a fresh direction, i've spent the entire day scouring the internet and testing every possible lead I could find. I've been building up a CRM release for a company and am in the final stages prepping to go-live, so the pressure is on to get this fixed.
CRM 2015 On premises with update 0.2
SQL 2014
Properly signed SSL Certificate, SPN added
Services are all using NetworkService
When I left the office yesterday, everything was as normal, i arrived this morning to a 404 error. I scoured the event logs but there was literally nothing of note since my departure to my arrival in any event log. No system reboots, no windows updates, nothing.
I gave the server a reboot, I noticed a bunch of errors appear with Login Failures to the Databases. At first i thought this was the issue, but I now believe that these are temporary due to service start-up timings as there is plenty of evidence that the server can really query the db as it needs.
I don't know whether this is some sort of integrated authentication issue, or whether my organization has just up and corrupted!?
If i attempt to log in with a Domain account that does NOT have a CRM user account, i am treated to a properly rendered page advising me that there is no matching CRM account (normal stuff), if i log in with any registered user, or add that user as a Deployment admin, I am presented with an immediate 404 error.
I have tried
- Repairing CRM to use domain service accounts, since reverted
- every combination of kerebos/NTLM settings i could find on posts online
- reverted everything to plain HTTP bindings
- many other things i have forgotten
I then got serious and created a fresh VM with matching software versions all-round, and...
- Couldn't even get the default org to successfully complete during install (it posted with an unheard of error "action Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.ImportActivityFeedsAction failed. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.")
- CRM itself seemed to be installed, but that test org was "Failed"
- tried creating a new Org from within deployment manager - got the above message
- Tried creating a new org (worked fine a few weeks ago obviously) on the original machine - GOT THE ABOVE MESSAGE!
- I was able to successfully import a copy of the organization on my original machine
- SAME PROBLEM (but unsure if this is fair since the installation stalled on the above step...)
The companies systems administrator promises me there were no changes overnight to things like group policy, and the servers have had Antivirus and firewalls shut down to ensure they're not causing problems.
At this point, I'm looking for some insights from anyone, or an applicable place to seek paid technical support (microsoft direct?) in the fashion where someone with the right level of skill enabling and investigating logs can solve this problem in a single session.
The only thing of note was that yesterday before leaving, i was using an SSIS package to import Accounts. The package running uses the proper XRM SDK to submit entries. it had successfully imported 80 000 accounts before I left, and stopped with a data conflict about 10 minutes after I left (A rogue record with a string value longer than the destination field).
Given these entries are input in the correct means via the OrganizationService, is there really any chance that they've smashed my database.
ARGH, Any help would be appreciated!!!
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