Getting below error during creation of case :
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(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {
// Code for custom filtering goes here
<div class="control">
<div class="control">
<div class="input-group"></div>
<div class="lookup-modal"></div>
var lookupParentControl = $("#new_mylookupfield").parent().parent();
lookupParentControl.append("<select ...></select>");
lookupParentControl.append("<input ...>");
// Code for custom filtering goes here
We also did same kind of thing.
1) Hide the lookup field
2) Create our custom control
3) And on change of that custom control, store the value in original lookup.
This how I bypassed this error. Firstly, I removed the metadata that renders this lookup as a drop-down. Then, in the custom JavaScript I added this code to 'force' lookup field render as a drop-down but without the metadata:
Nicolai - did you ever hear anything from Microsoft or find a fix?
Hi Nicolas,
I came to the conclusion that this is a limitation of lookup fields rendered as dropdowns in the portal.
The dropdown list will only show the first 5000 records.
So if you have 7500 records in the entity you are looking up, and you filter the list to only show 7. If the one you then select from the 7, is not part of the first 5000 in the original list you will get the above error.
I created a case for Microsoft on this issue, and they say that this is by design.
Best Regards,
I have exactly the same issue. Dis you find a fix ?
I tried the solution proposed by Ravi Kashyap but it doesn't fix.
Did anyone come with a solution for this issue? I have exact same issue, have a JS that filters a lookup rendered as a dropdown.
If I select some of the records from the dropdown I get exact same error as describe above, for others I don't get any error.
How to stop the error?
Can, you try the below setting on your web page and see if it helps?
Yes, i also tried this key but again getting same error
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