I am looking for solution for stocking furniture item with multiple cartons. Ie: one table with a top and legs in separate cartons purchased from an outside manufacturing partner.
i have looked into BOM , built to order. Wondering if there’s a better solution where we can put an item on a sales order and have the two related cartons necessary for the one parent item to be processed through advanced warehousing in a warehouse shipment and related pick.
is there any option to have one item show two cartons out of the box in business Central?
I am also stumped on how to provide an inventory quantity on the parent item to our customers without manual intervention.
we upload our inventory availability to third parties and also our own website and the parent item would show a quantity of zero, because it is part of a build, and the components of the item are what shows a qty on hand.
Additionally, when I are trying to create warehouse shipment from a sales orders that have an item with multiple components (BOM). Related warehouse shipment cannot creat a pick. I wonder if the set up of the bill materials is not correct?
Should it be possible to process a warehouse shipment and related pic from a bill materials on a sales order? From my research I do see that the production the materials needs to have an assembly order and that is processed to create the final item. but on a set up for build to order there must be something I’m missing