I have created a section on our contact form that summarizes a contact's product level relationship with our company. Each field within that section is a two option field being either yes or no. I am wanting to create a way for the system to automatically determine the correct value based on the products and investments the contact has. So, the three entities involved are contacts, policies, and investments. Contacts have a 1:N to policies and investments.
My current idea was to use rollup fields (would count the number of policies based on the correct product, product type, and status) and workflows (assigned the correct value). I have successful created the rollup fields. The workflow option does not appear to be valid since workflows cannot run when a rollup field changes (do not have another field that would "know" when to run the workflow on a change). So, I wanted investigated a business rule; however, that can only run on a change, load, or save. I am wanting something to run when the rollup field changes.
I am a fairly new admin, so I want to: keep the solution simple and avoid custom code. Any ideas on how to make this work?
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