hello , could you please help me i need to do Pivot in a fetchXML Query for a SSRS Report (A chart) in CRM 365 online
here is my fetch query :
<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0">
<entity name="contact">
<attribute name="fullname"/>
<attribute name="contactid"/>
<attribute name="NbrWeekEmail"/>
<attribute name="NBRDayEmail"/>
<attribute name="NBRMonthEmail"/>
<order descending="false" attribute="fullname"/>
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="contactid" value="{DE376A94-26E6-E711-A82D-000D3AB4DB84}" uitype="contact" uiname="Lamyae j" operator="eq"/>
Query Result :
full name | NbrWeekEmail|NBRDayEmail| NBRMonthEmail
Lamyae j | 2 | 3 | 4
I want to convert it to
NBR _Type | Value |Activity
NBRWeekEmail | 2 | email
NBRDAYEmail | 3 | email
NBRmONTHeMAIL| 4 | email
Inorder to display it in a bar chart like this
Any Idea for help please ??
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