I'm trying to create a lookup for Wholesale accounts on my lead form. How do I put a lookup on the form?
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I'm trying to create a lookup for Wholesale accounts on my lead form. How do I put a lookup on the form?
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Mostly what I don't have is the code for the lookup. Really I don't know where to begin. basically I want to filter it by Wholesale Accounts.
Hi shawnredus
May please mark our answers as verified?
Thank You
As you were saying this I found it on my own xD Thanks!
Open the Lead form (go to Form Editor)
Click New Field at the bottom right. Enter the values as required.
Data Type should be Lookup.
Enter the Target Record Type.
After this add this to the form, from the list of fields.
Save, publish
Hi shawnredus
Go to settings > customization
Open your lead entity. Go to the form. Create new field of type lookup. and add it to your form.
To filter lookp use this link https://community.dynamics.com/crm/b/powerxrmblog/archive/2016/06/13/lookup-filtering-using-addcustomview
Any question. Do not hesitate to ask?
Thank You
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