Re: how do I migrate POS 2.0 to a new computer
Moving software/database to a new computer isn't hard, but since you're talking all that hardware also it can be a little more tricky. Especially since you're moving to Win 7.
As far as the database, just do a backup on your current POS machine, and copy it to a little thumb drive. When you re-install 2.0 on the new machine have it install SQL 2005 Express using all the default options and make sure you write down the sa password you select. After it's down with that, let it install 2.0 . When that's done you'll need to install all the service packs to get you to the same build you were at before. If you are using a separate back office machine to operate Manager you need the builds to match. Check by going to Help | About in Manager. After you've got the program installed you need to open Administrator and connect to a database, you can use the sample database for this. This is also where you put the sa password you remembered from install. Go to Database tab and select Create Database. Plug your USB thumb drive you copied the backup to into the computer and select the backup you did in the other step. Allow it to create the database using all the defaults. Once the database is created go to File | Configuration and put in the database name and password. Check the database connection and it should say Database successfully connected. Save the configuration and you're almost done. The next step is probably the hardest. When you go open POS the first time it's going to ask you for a code. You will need to call MS Support to get the code. They will give you one at no charge if you tell them you are upgrading hardware and are getting rid of the old machine. I've heard everything from "I had the code in 10 minutes" to "I was on hold for an hour and kept on getting transfered". If you call the right 800 number everything should go pretty smoothly. Sorry, I don't know the number, but it is listed on customersource. I just did this last week, but I was upgrading from 1.3 to 2.0 so I had my code to open POS already. Good Luck.